Lord Ram, Sita Devi and Lakshman had left the kingdom of Ayodhya for exile in the forests. As they moved deeper into the wilderness, the three wanderers reached the banks of River Ganga. They were just wondering how to cross over the waters when an old boatman approached them and bowed reverentially.

“What is your price dear boatman?” asked Lord Ram.

“Please just come aboard my boat and we will deal with payment later,” said the honest boatman.

With his guests seated comfortably, the old man steered the boat across the sparkling river. He gazed at Lord Ram with tears streaming down his cheeks. He couldn’t believe his incredible fortunate to be serving the Lord. A lifetime of worship had culminated in such perfect circumstances. He rowed with all his love and sincerity.

Having reached the other side, Lord Ram looked at Sita Devi and glanced down at the beautiful pearl necklace around her neck. She understood his mind immediately.

“There’s no need for pearls in the forest, please give our kind boatman my pearls as payment,” she said.

The jewelry was exquisite. The glossy beads shone in the light. Lord Ram offered the necklace to the boatman, “We are so grateful for your help. This is our payment, please accept it.”

“Oh no, no, no, I couldn’t possibly accept it Lord Ram. I cannot, I cannot,” insisted the boatman. “Do you not know, in these parts, we boatmen have an agreement that one boatman does not accept payment from another boatman.”

“Since when did I become a boatman?” asked Lord Ram, smiling.

“You are a boatman! See, I am a tiny boatman – I take passengers on my old rickety boat from one side of the river to the other. You are a big boatman! You take souls on your boat and help them to cross the ocean of samsara – birth and death. Please remember me when I meet my death and come to your banks. Please don’t ask for any payment from me – for I have nothing, no qualifications. I am very lowly and undeserving, but please take pity on me. I would be so grateful.”

Lord Ram’s smile widened. “Let it be so. When you come to the shores of the ocean of birth and death, I will take you on my boat. No payment will be required my dear devotee.”


Lord Ram, Sita Devi and Lakshman had left the kingdom of Ayodhya for exile in the forests. As they moved deeper into the wilderness, the three wanderers reached the banks of River Ganga. They were just wondering how to cross over the waters when an old boatman approached them and bowed reverentially.

“What is your price dear boatman?” asked Lord Ram.

“Please just come aboard my boat and we will deal with payment later,” said the honest boatman.

With his guests seated comfortably, the old man steered the boat across the sparkling river. He gazed at Lord Ram with tears streaming down his cheeks. He couldn’t believe his incredible fortunate to be serving the Lord. A lifetime of worship had culminated in such perfect circumstances. He rowed with all his love and sincerity.

Having reached the other side, Lord Ram looked at Sita Devi and glanced down at the beautiful pearl necklace around her neck. She understood his mind immediately.

“There’s no need for pearls in the forest, please give our kind boatman my pearls as payment,” she said.

The jewelry was exquisite. The glossy beads shone in the light. Lord Ram offered the necklace to the boatman, “We are so grateful for your help. This is our payment, please accept it.”

“Oh no, no, no, I couldn’t possibly accept it Lord Ram. I cannot, I cannot,” insisted the boatman. “Do you not know, in these parts, we boatmen have an agreement that one boatman does not accept payment from another boatman.”

“Since when did I become a boatman?” asked Lord Ram, smiling.

“You are a boatman! See, I am a tiny boatman – I take passengers on my old rickety boat from one side of the river to the other. You are a big boatman! You take souls on your boat and help them to cross the ocean of samsara – birth and death. Please remember me when I meet my death and come to your banks. Please don’t ask for any payment from me – for I have nothing, no qualifications. I am very lowly and undeserving, but please take pity on me. I would be so grateful.”

Lord Ram’s smile widened. “Let it be so. When you come to the shores of the ocean of birth and death, I will take you on my boat. No payment will be required my dear devotee.”
